How-To Tuesdays
1 of my beloved friends, Nik Schulz, is a creative illustrator. This weekend he brought me a valentine that is exactly what I wanted: a DIY project to share with you! Nik lived for half a yr on St. Agnes, a tiny island in the Isles of Scilly. And while he was there, he sailed, learned knot tying, and collected some unique seashells. Thus, the Knotted Seashell Necklace came to be. The knots are very clever and the overlapping lends a woven wait to the final result. This is a great project for the outset knot maker, and to help yous forth, I took a short video of Nik explaining the method he uses for threading the shells. I dearest the necklace so much, but I loved watching him make it even more. Cheers Nik!



Thin, waxed linen cord
Drill with 1/16″ bit
2×4 with ii nails, 12″ autonomously


Step 1: Chose vii seashells for the necklace. I chose a eye piece outset and then selected vi other shells that played off the colors and patterns in it.
Step 2: Drill a small hole in each shell. Drill from the inside of the shell to the outside. It is nearly important to utilize light pressure so as not to scissure the crush. Practice a few times to make sure y'all take your method down.
Step iii: Cut 7 cords, each one′ long.
Thread the Shells:

Pace four: Slide one trounce onto a piece of cord. The one-half of the thread coming out of the top of the vanquish shall be chosen the top thread. The half of the cord coming out of the bottom of the beat will be called the lower thread. Push the shell downwards the thread so that the elevation thread is 3″ longer than the lower thread.
Step 5: Lock the lower thread against the shell with your thumb, and with your complimentary hand, form a 3/iv″ U-shaped loop with the summit thread. This is chosen a bight.
Step half-dozen: Wrap the top thread effectually the bottom of bight and the lower thread.
Step 7: Go along wrapping until 5 wraps have been formed. Utilize your nails in between to button the wraps tightly together.
Stride 8: On the 6th and final wrap, pass the meridian thread through the loop, being sure to capture the lower thread in the process.
Stride ix: Grab the wraps and slide them all away from the seashell to close the loop. Pull simply on the thread, if you put force per unit area on the shell, it could pause.
Step 10: Pull the lower thread and slide the wraps dorsum down towards the beat to close the loop belongings the shell. Repeat Steps four through 10 with the remaining shells.
String the Necklace:
Step xi: Cut 32″ of cord. Center information technology onto the 2 nails, and secure the ends to the nails.
Pace 12: Start with the middle crush. Hold it confronting the dorsum of the thread and centre it. Form a "V" with the two threads that hangs about 5/8″.
Step 13: Tie each terminate of the "5" to the necklace using a unproblematic clove hitch. Don't tighten them down too tight nonetheless, so that they can be adjusted if needed subsequently.
Step 14: Echo the process with the remaining shells, being sure to overlap the "Five" of each shell. It will get crowded forth the necklace, only work slowly and deliberately.
Step xv: Add the clasp using the aforementioned wrap knots that you tied for the shells. When positioning the clasps for length, have into account that when yous shut the loop for the squeeze, the necklace will go a bit longer.
Step 16: Put it on a pretty girl, and then trim the cords to gustation! I like mine wild!

Tagged Craft Projects Crafting with Nature fashion jewelry knots necklace